Awesome little bow - fast, lightweight, and quiet. (I also own the Barnett Ghost 410) not sure what the issue is with all of the low reviews - an awful lot of "string just broke" issues. Not calling anyone a liar, but I can't stress enough - READ THE MANUAL, READ THE MANUAL, READ THE MANUAL, READ THE MANUAL. I see a trend of people buying crossbows thinking: Oh, it's a like a gun - I can shoot a gun, this will be easy; and they don't read the manual completely - there are several things that must be done properly each and every time when cocking, and loading your crossbow. If these are done, then the chance of a mishap are GREATLY reduced. (ALL manufacturers have issues with their bows)
The downslope of the riser has caused me absolutely no issues what-so-ever. My Raptor is accurate out to 60 yards with 2" groupings (have not shot it any farther) my buddy has a Recruit - another awesome little bow. Planning on buying more Barnett crossbows.本人英文不错,大体能看懂,但还有些地方不明白。请坛里的弩友们帮忙逐句翻译下,谢了。不过可以看出他在为龙打抱不平!
还有评论2I received this for Christmas and it's by far the best cross bow for the money I've ever shot I shot it about 45 times today living the strings every 5 -10 shots and strings have held up fine unlike some posts you read. The scope is quite good the trigger is nice it's fast accurate and hits with authority overall nice bow他说他打了45次,每5-10箭停下来检查弦。弦完好无损,并不像你所见到的某些差评那样!